In Press
Bronk, D.A., M.W. Lomas, P.M.
Gilbert and M.P. Sanderson. In Press. Total
dissolved nitrogen analysis: comparison between the
persulfate, UV and high temperature oxidation methods.
Mar. Chem.
Bronk, D.A. and B.B. Ward.
In Press. Magnitude of DON release relative to gross
nitrogen uptake in marine systems. Limnol. Oceanogr.
Chen, F., A. Dustman and R.E.
Hodson. In Press. Application of in situ
reverse transcription to estuarine bacterial community
analysis. In: Microbial Biosystems: New
Frontiers. Proc. 8th Internat.
Symposium On Microbial Ecology, (C.R. Bell, M.J. Brylinsky
and P. Johnson-Green, eds.).
Moran, M.A., W.M. Sheldon and R.G. Zepp. In Press.
Carbon loss and optical property changes during long-term
photochemical and biological degradation of estuarine
dissolved organic matter. Limnol. Oceanogr.
Pomeroy, L.R., J.E. sheldon, W.M. Sheldon, Jr., J.O.,
Blanton and F. Peters. In Press. Seasonal changes
in microbial processes in estuarine and continental shelf
waters of the southeastern U.S.A. Est. Coastal Shelf
Wiebe, W.J. and L.R. Pomeroy.
In Press. The temperature-substrate controversy
resolved? In: Microbial Biosystems: New
Frontiers. Proc. 8th Internat.
Symposium On Microbial Ecology, (C.R. Bell, M.J. Brylinsky
and P. Johnson-Green, eds.).
Alber, M. 2000.
Settleable and non-settleable suspended sediments in the
Ogeechee River Estuary, Georgia U.S.A. Estuarine, Coastal
and Shelf Science 50:805-816.
Blanton, J.O., F. Andrade and
A. Ferreira. 2000. Effect of a broad, shallow sill on
tidal circulation and salt transport in the entrance to a
coastal plain estuary (Mira--Vila Nova de Milfontes,
Portugal). Estuaries, 23(3):293-304.
- Chen, F., B. Binder and
R.E. Hodson. 2000. Flow cytometric detection of specific
gene expression in prokaryotic cells using in situ
RT-PCR. FEMS Microbiology Letters 9242(2000):1-6.
Moran, M.A. and R.G. Zepp.
2000. UV-radiation effects on microbes and
microbial processes. In: Microbial Ecology Of The
Oceans (D.L. Kirchman, ed.), pp 201-228. John Wiley and Sons, NY.
Alber, M. and J.E. Sheldon. 1999.
Use of a date-specific method to examine variability in the
flushing times of Georgia estuaries.
Estuarine, Coastal and Shelf Science, 49:469-482.
Alber, M. and J.E. Sheldon.
1999. Trends in salinities and flushing times of Georgia
estuaries. In: Proceedings Of The 1999 Georgia
Water Resources Conference. K.J. Hatcher (ed.). Institute
of Ecology, University of Georgia, Athens, Georgia.
Blanton, J.O., C. Alexander, M. Alber and G. Kineke.
1999. The mobilization and deposition of mud deposits
in a Coastal Plain estuary. Limnologica,
Bronk, D.A. 1999.
Rates of NH4+ uptake, intracellular
transformation and dissolved organic nitrogen release in
two clones of marine Synechococcus spp. J.
Plankton Res., 21:1337-1353.
Bushaw-Newton, K. and M.A. Moran. 1999.
Photochemical formation of biologically available nitrogen from
dissolved humic substances in coastal marine systems. Aquatic
Microbial Ecology, 18:285-292.
Cai, W.-J., L.R. Pomeroy, M.A.
Moran and Y. Wang. 1999. Oxygen and carbon dioxide mass
balance in the estuarine/intertidal marsh complex of
five rivers in the Southeastern U.S. Limnol.
Oceanogr., 44(3):639-649.
Chen, F. and R.E. Hodson.
1999. Viewing marine microbes with in situ
molecular approaches, a mini-review. In:
Proceedings Of International Symposium On Marine
Biotechnology (H.S. Xu and R. Colwell, eds.) pp. 300-305,
China Ocean Press, Beijing.
Chen, F., A. Dustman and R.E.
Hodson. 1999. Microscopic detection of the toluene dioxygenase
gene and its expression inside bacterial cells in seawater
using prokaryotic in situ PCR. Hydrobiologia,
González, J.M., R.P. Kiene and M.A. Moran. 1999.
Transformations of sulfur by an abundant lineage
of marine bacteria in the alpha-subclass of the
Proteobacteria. Applied and Environmental
Microbiology., 65:3810-3819.
Moran, M.A., W.M. Sheldon, Jr. and J.E. Sheldon. 1999.
Biodegradation of dissolved organic carbon in five estuaries of the
Southeastern United States. Estuaries, 22(1):55-64.
Whitman, W.B. and W.J. Wiebe.
1999. Un recensement planetaire des microbes. La
Recerche, 37(1):26-29.
Wiegert, R. G., M. Alber, C. Alexander, J. Blanton, A.
Chalmers, R. Hodson, M. A. Moran, L. Pomeroy, and W. Wiebe.
1999. The Georgia Rivers LMER Program: A Comparative
Study of Five Coastal Rivers. Limnologica,
Amft, J. and J.O. Blanton.
1998. Influence of baroclinic pressure gradients on
vertical shear in estuarine tidal currents. Newsletter
of the Land Margin Ecosystems Research Program, Fall,
1998, pp. 6-7.
Bronk, D.A., P.M. Gilbert,
T.C. Malone, E. Sahlsten and S Banahan. 1998. Inorganic
and organic nitrogen cycling in Chesapeake Bay: autotrophic
versus heterotrophic processes and relationships to carbon
flux. Aquatic Microbial Ecology, 15:177-189.
Cai, W.J.
and Y. Wang. 1998. The chemistry, fluxes and sources
of carbon dioxide in the estuarine waters of the Satilla and
Altamaha Rivers, Georgia. Limnol. Oceanogr.,
Cai, W.J.
, Y. Wang and R.E. Hodson. 1998. Acid-base properties of
dissolved organic matter in the estuarine waters of Georgia, U.S.A.
Geochimica et Cosmochimica Acta, 62:473-483.
- Chen, F., W. Dustman,
M.A. Moran and R.E. Hodson. 1998. In situ PCR
methodologies for visualization of microscale genetic and
taxonomic diversities of prokaryotic communities.
In: Molecular Microbial Ecology Manual (A.D.
Akkermans, J.D. van Elsas and F.J. DeBruijn, eds.), Chapter
3.3.9, pp. 1-17. Kluwer Academic Publishers, The
Gao, H. and R.G. Zepp. 1998. Factors influencing photoreactions
of dissolved organic matter in a coastal river of the southeastern
United States. Environmental Science and Technology,
Hopkinson, C., I. Buffam, J. Hobbie, J. Vallino, M. Perdue,
B. Eversmeyer, F. Prahl, J. Covert, R. Hodson, M. A. Moran,
E. Smith, J. Baross, B. Crump, S. Findlay, and K. Foreman. 1998.
Terrestrial inputs of organic matter to coastal ecosystems:
an intercomparison of chemical characteristics and bioavailability.
Biogeochemistry, 43:211-234.
Whitman, W.B., D.C. Coleman
W.J. Wiebe. 1998. Prokaryotes: the unseen majority.
Proc. Natl. Acad. Sci, U.S., 95:6578-6583.
Blanton, J.O., J. Amft and T. Tisue. 1997. Response of
a small-scale bottom-attached estuarine plume to wind and tidal
dissipation. J. Coastal Res., 13:349-362.
Chen, F., J.M. González, W.A. Dustman, M. A. Moran, and
R. E. Hodson. 1997. In situ reverse transcription: an approach
to characterize genetic diversity and activities of prokaryotes.
Appl. Environ. Microbiol., 63(12):4907-4913.
González, J.M.
and M. A. Moran. 1997. Numerical dominance of a group of
marine bacteria in the alpha-subclass of Proteobacteria
in coastal seawater. Appl. Environ. Microbiol. 63:4237-4242.
Miller, W.L. and M.A. Moran. 1997. Interaction of photochemical
and microbial processes in the degradation of refractory dissolved
organic matter from a coastal marine environment. Limnol.
Oceanogr. 42:1317-1324.
Moran, M. A. and R. G. Zepp. 1997. Role of photoreactions
in the formation of biologically labile compounds from dissolved
organic matter. Limnol. Oceanogr. 42:1307-1316.
Wiegert, R. G. 1997. The Georgia Rivers Land Margin Ecosystem
Research Program. In: Proc. 1997 Georgia Water Quality
Resources Conference. K. Hatcher, ed. pp. 389-391. Institute of
Ecology, Athens, GA.
Blanton, J.O. 1996. Reinforcement of gravitational circulation
by wind. In: D.G. Aubrey and C.T. Friedrichs (eds.),
Buoyancy Effects On Coastal and Estuarine Dynamics, Coastal and
Estuarine Studies, Volume 53, pp. 47-58. American Geophysical
Union. Washington, D.C.
Bushaw, K.L., R.G. Zepp, M.A. Tarr, D. Schulz-Jander,
R.A. Bourbonniere, R.E. Hodson, W.L. Miller, D.A. Bronk, and
M.A. Moran. 1996. Photochemical release of biologically available
nitrogen from aquatic dissolved organic matter. Nature.
Kapolnai, A., F.E. Werner and J.O. Blanton. 1996.
Circulation, mixing and exchange processes in the vicinity of
tidal inlets: a numerical study. J. Geophys. Res. 101:14,253-14,268.
Hodson, R.E., W.A. Dustman, R.P. Garg and M.A. Moran. 1995.
Prokaryotic in situ PCR: visualization of microscale
distribution of specific genes and gene products in prokaryotic
communities. Appl. Environ. Microbiol. 61:4074-4082.
Hodson, R. E. and M. A.
Moran. 1995. Comparative biodegradation kinetics of simple and complex
dissolved organic carbon in aquatic ecosystems. In:
Role of Nonliving Organic Matter in the Earth's Carbon
Cycle (R.G. Zepp and C. Sonntag, eds.), pp. 47-64.
John Wiley and Sons Ltd.
Cai, W.-J., W.J. Wiebe, J.
Wang and J.E. Sheldon. The biogeochemistry of dissolved
inorganic carbon and nitrogen in the Satilla River -
estuarine complex in the southeastern U.S.. Submitted to:
Limnol. Oceanogr.
Cai, W.-J., W.J. Wiebe, Y.
Wang and J.E. Sheldon. Intertidal marsh
as a source of dissolved ingorganic carbon and sink for
nitrate in the Satilla River - estuarine complex,
southeastern U.S. Submitted to: Limnol. Oceanogr.
Dame, R., M. Alber, D. Allen,
A. Chalmers, R. Gardner, C. Gilman, B. Kjerfve, A. Lewitus,
M. Mallin, C. Montague, J. Pinckney and N. Smith. Estuaries of the South Atlantic Coast of North
America: their geographical signatures. Submitted to:
Wingate, L.A. and D.A. Bronk.
Effect of vacuum pressure on post-filtration dissolved
nitrogen concentrations: the importance of cell morphology
in field and culture settings. Submitted to: J. Exp.
Mar. Biol. Ecol..
Bachoon, D., F. Chen and R.E. Hodson. 2000. RNA recovery and
detection of mRNA by RT-PCR from stored prokaryotic samples. The
100th general meeting of the American Society for Microbiology,
Los Angeles, CA. 21-25 May.
Bachoon, D., F. Chen and R.E. Hodson. 2000. RNA recovery and
detection of mRNA by RT-PCR from preserved prokaryotic samples.
DOE BI-OMP Workshop, Tallahassee, Fl. 15-16 March.
Chen, F., D. Bachoon, S.C.K. Lau, J.R. Lu, L. Campbell and R.E.
Hodson. 2000. Coastal Synechococcus spp. are much more
complex than oceanic Synechococcus spp.. DOE BI-OMP
Workshop, Tallahassee, FL., 15-1 March.
Dudek, K.L., F. Chen and R.E. Hodson. 2000. PCR amplification of
the amoA gene from two marine ammonium-oxidizing bacteria,
Nitrosomonas cryotolerans and Nitrosococcus oceani.
DOE BI-OMP Workshop, Tallahassee, Fl. 15-16 March.
Dustman, W.A., F. Chen and R.E. Hodson. 2000. Filter concentration
of laboratory bacterial cultures and natural seawater communities:
an adaptation for analysis of genetic and functional diversity by
in situ PCR, in situ RT-PCR and in situ reverse
transcription. DOE BI-OMP Workshop, Tallahassee, Fl. 15-16 March.
Ekunwe, S., H.-M. Hwang and X.C. Shi. 2000. Effects of selected
polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons (PAHs) on bacterial assemblages in
aquatic environments. DOE BI-OMP Workshop, Tallahassee, Fl. 15-16
Elston, S., J. Blanton and H. Seim. 2000. Secondary circulation in
curved and straight estuarine reaches. 10th Biennial International
Conference on Physics of Estuaries and Coastal Seas Proceedings.
SRAMSOE Report No. 366, Virginia Institute of Marine Science,
Gloucester Point, VA. pp. 172-175.
Hodson, R.E. and F. Chen. 2000. In situ activity and
functional diversity of microbes linking carbon and nitrogen
cycles in marine ecosystems. DOE BI-OMP Workshop, Tallahassee, Fl.
15-16 March.
Hodson, R.E. and R. Chen. 2000. In situ activity and
functional diversity of microbes linking carbon and nitrogen cycles
in marine ecosystems. Aquatic Science Meeting, ASLO, Copenhagen,
Denmark, 5-9 June.
Shi, X.C., H.-M. Hwang, I. Ero, H.T. Yu and S. Dong. 2000.
Monitoring the interactions between selected polycyclic aromatic
hydrocarbons (PAHs) and microbes in aquatic environments.
DOE BI-OMP Workshop, Tallahassee, Fl. 15-16 March.
Sinigalliano, C.D., R.D. Jones, D.N.Kuhn and M. Guerrero. 2000.
Application of in situ PCR, in situ reverse
transcription, radioactive bicarbonate uptake and flow cytometry to
monitor carbon fixation potential and activity among nitrifying
bacteria introduced into seawater. DOE BI-OMP Workshop, Tallahassee,
Fl. 15-16 March.
Sullivan, J., F. Chen and R.E. Hodson. 2000. Toward the
application of prokaryotic in situ PCR to the study of
denitrification. DOE BI-OMP Workshop, Tallahassee, Fl. 15-16 March.
Wommack, K.E., F. Chen and R.E. Hodson. 2000. Marine diazotroph
ecology: development of a molecular genetic in situ
detection method. Townsville, Queensland, Australia, Sept.-Oct.
Wommack, K.E., F. Chen and R.E. Hodson. 2000. A rapid method for
obtaining the complete nucleotide coding sequence for mifH.
DOE BI-OMP Workshop, Tallahassee, Fl. 15-16 March.
Chen, F. 1999. Application of in situ PCR and RT-PCR
to study genetic diversity and function of marine microbes.
Invited seminar, University of Rostock, Rostock, Germany.
18 June 1999.
Chen, F. 1999. Viewing marine microbes with in situ
molecular approaches. Invited seminar, Max Planck Institute
for Marine Microbiology, Bremen, Germany. 25 June 1999.
Chen, F. 1999. Molecular tools to study genetic diversity and
activity of marine microbes. Invited seminar, Division of
Microbiology, National Research Center of Biotechnology, GBF,
Braunschweig, Germany. 29 June 1999.
Chen, F., J. R. Lu, and R. E. Hodson. 1999. Distribution of cyanophages and
total viruses along Georgia coastal rivers. ASLO meeting, Feb. 1-5, Santa Fe, New Mexico.
Chen, F., J. Lu and R. E. Hodson. 1999. Molecular phylogeny and in situ mRNA
detection of the rbcL gene in Marine Synechococcus spp. ASLO meeting, Feb.
1-5, Santa Fe, New Mexico.
Chen, F., J. R. Lu, Y. Zhong, and R. E. Hodson. 1999. Marine cyanophages
reveal a high phenotypic and genotypic diversity. The 99th general
meeting of the American Society for Microbiology, Chicago, IL., May
30-June 3.
Dustman, W.A., F. Chen and R.E. Hodson. 1999. Filter concentration
of natural seawater microbial communities and analysis of genetic
and functional diversity by in situ reverse transcription
(ISRT) and in situ RT-PCR. The 99th general
meeting of the American Society for Microbiology, Chicago, IL.
30 May - 3 June 1999.
Elston, S., J. Blanton, H. Seim, J. Amft and M. Sharman. 1999. An
investigation in secondary circulation in a shallow well-mixed
Georgia Estuary. 15th biennial Estuarine Research Federation
International Conference Proceedings, New Orleans, LA. p. 35.
Hodson, R. E., F. Chen and W. A. Dustman. 1999. Application of in situ reverse
transcription to estuarine bacterial community analysis. ASLO meeting,
Feb. 1-5, Santa Fe, New Mexico.
Sullivan, J.B., R. Chen and R.E. Hodson. 1999. Constitutive
production of nitrite reductase in Pseudomonas stutzeri
detected by in situ RT-PCR. ASLO Meeting, Santa Fe,
New Mexico. 1-5 Feb.
Williams, K.L., F. Chen, W.A. Dustman and R.E. Hodson. 1999. PCR
amplification of the amoA gene from a marine ammonium-
oxidizing bacterium Nitrosomonas cryotolerans. The
99th general meeting of the American Society for
Microbiology, Chicago, IL. 30 May - 3 June.
Wommack, E., F. Chen and R. E. Hodson. 1999. Nitrogenase in marine
Vibrio. ASLO meeting, Feb. 1-5. Santa Fe, New Mexico.
Alexander, C., M. Alber and J. Blanton. 1998. Suspended
and bottom sediment characteristics in Georgia estuaries.
SECOR, Coastal Ocean Boundaries and Interactions and Assessments
(COBIA) Conference on Southeast Coastal Ocean Research.
Savannah, Georgia. April 7-10.
Blanton, J.O., C. Alexander, M. Alber, G. Kineke and T.
Gross. 1998. Characteristics and mobilization of suspended
sediments in Georgia Coastal Plain estuaries. SECOR, Coastal
Ocean Boundaries and Interactions and Assessments (COBIA)
Conference on Southeast Coastal Ocean Research. Savannah,
Georgia. April 7-10.
Cai, W.-J., L.R. Pomeroy, M.A. Moran, W. Wiebe and Y. Wang.
1998. An oxygen, carbon dioxide and nitrogen mass balance
model of the estuarine/intertidal marsh complex of five
rivers in the southeastern U.S. SECOR, Coastal Ocean
Boundaries and Interactions and Assessments (COBIA)
Conference on Southeast Coastal Ocean Research. Savannah,
Georgia. April 7-10.
Chalmers, A.G. 1998. Using the USGS 2 meter elevation
contour as an indicator of the extent of intertidal wetlands
in coastal Georgia. SECOR, Coastal Ocean
Boundaries and Interactions and Assessments (COBIA)
Conference on Southeast Coastal Ocean Research. Savannah,
Georgia. April 7-10.
Chen, F. and R. E. Hodson. 1998. Detection of carbon and nitrogen utilizing
genes (rbcL and amoA) and their expression in bacteria using in situ
PCR/hybridization methods. The 98th general meeting of the American
Society for Microbiology, Atlanta, Georgia.
Chen, F. and R. E. Hodson. 1998. Viewing microbes with in situ molecular
approaches. International symposium on marine biotechnology
Oct. 6-9, Qingdao, China.
Chen, F., R. Lu and R.E. Hodson. 1998. RuBisCO genes reveal
a close relationship between Synechococcus strains
WH7803 and WH8101. The 8th International
Symposium on Microbial Ecology, Halifax, Canada. 9-14 August
Covert, J.S., and M.A. Moran. 1998. Transport and
transformation of molecular weight size classes of dissolved
organic matter. Southeastern Estuarine Research Society Meeting,
Athens, Georgia.
Dustman, W. A., F. Chen and R. E. Hodson. 1998. Characterizing genetic
diversity and activity of filter-concentrated microorganisms using a
modified in situ reverse transcription protocol. The 8th international
symposium on Microbial Ecology, Aug. 9-14, Halifax, Canada.
Elston, S., H. Seim, J. Blanton, J. Amft and T. Gross. 1998.
An investigation in model portability: secondary
circulation in a shallow well-mixed Georgia Estuary. SECOR,
Coastal Ocean Boundaries and Interactions and Assessments
(COBIA) Conference on Southeast Coastal Ocean Research.
Savannah, Georgia. April 7-10.
Hodson, E. and F. Chen. 1998. In situ nucleic acid amplification
for studies of estuarine bacterial activity and diversity.
The 8th international symposium on Microbial Ecology,
Aug. 9-14, Halifax, Canada.
Moran, M.A. 1998. Invited instructor in Ecology and
Biogeochemistry of DOM, a symposium sponsored by The Nordic
Ecological Society, Oikos. Lund, Sweden.
Seim, H., T. Gross and J.O. Blanton. 1998. Tidal pressure
gradient force balances in a curving estuarine channel.
Ocean Sciences Meeting (American Geophysical Union). San
Diego, California.
Sheldon, W., and M.A. Moran. 1998. Fluorescent DOM mixing
patterns in the Satilla River, Georgia. SECOR, Coastal Ocean
Boundaries and Interactions and Assessments (COBIA)
Conference on Southeast Coastal Ocean Research. Savannah,
Georgia. April 7-10.
Wiegert, R.G., M. Alber and A.G. Chalmers. 1998.
Geographic signatures of Georgia estuaries. Southeastern
Estuarine Research Society Meeting. Athens, Georgia.
Wiegert, R.G., M. Alber, C. Alexander, J.O. Blanton, A.
Chalmers, R.E. Hodson, M.A. Moran, L. Pomeroy and W. Wiebe.
1998. The Georgia Rivers Land Margin Ecosystem Project.
SECOR, Coastal Ocean Boundaries and Interactions and
Assessments (COBIA) Conference on Southeast Coastal Ocean
Research. Savannah, Georgia. April 7-10.
Alber, M. 1997. Update on the Georgia Rivers LMER. LMER
All Scientists Meeting, November.
Alber, M. 1997. The dynamics of suspended and settleable sediments
in Georgia estuaries. 14th Biennial Estuarine Research Federation
International Conference, Providence, Rhode Island.
Alexander, C. and A. Simoneau. 1997. Sediment dynamics
and bottom morphology in the Satilla River Estuary.
14th Biennial Estuarine Research Federation
International Conference, Providence, Rhode Island.
Amft, J. and J.O. Blanton. 1997. Influence of baroclinic
pressure gradients on vertical shear in estuarine tidal currents.
14th Biennial Estuarine Research Federation
International Conference, Providence, Rhode Island.
Austin, K. 1997. Transparent exopolymer particle dynamics
in the Satilla River Estuary. Southeastern Estuarine Research
Society Meeting.
Blanton, J.O. 1997. Estuarine and Coastal Physical
Oceanography. A 10 lecture-hour short course delivered by
J.O. Blanton at the Universidade do Algarve (Faro, Portugal)
to graduate students enrolled in the discipline of estuarine
ecology. 13 - 18 January 1997.
Chen, F., W.A. Dustman, M.A. Moran and R.E. Hodson. 1997. Using
prokaryotic in situ PCR to examine the todC1 gene and
its expression in a toluene degrading bacterium in marine
microcosms. The 97th general meeting of the American
Society for Microbiology, Miami Beach, FL.
Chen, F., J.M. González, W.A. Dustman, M.A. Moran and R.E. Hodson.
1997. In situ reverse transcription, an approach to
characterize genetic diversity (based on 16S rRNA) and activity
(based on mRNA) of prokaryotes. Invited Seminar, ASLO-97 Aquatic
Sciences Meeting. Santa Fe, New Mexico. 10-14 Feb.
Covert, J.S., Yu-Ping Chin and M.A. Moran. 1997. Transport
and transformation of molecular weight size classes of dissolved
organic matter (DOM) through a Georgia estuary.
14th Biennial Estuarine Research Federation
International Conference, Providence, Rhode Island.
Gao, H., R. G. Zepp. 1997. Photoreactions
of dissolved organic matter in a coastal river of the
southeastern United States. ASLO-97, Aquatic Sciences
meeting, Santa Fe, New Mexico. 10-14 Feb.
Hodson, R.E., M.A. Moran, F. Chen, W. Dustman and R. Garg. 1997.
Amplified in situ taxonomic identification and detection of
specific genes and their expression in marine bacterial populations.
ASLO-97 Aquatic Sciences Meeting, Santa Fe, New Mexico. 10-14 Feb.
Lehwald, J. and M. Alber. 1997. Plankton concentrations in
an estuarine creek front. 14th Biennial Estuarine Research Federation
International Conference, Providence, Rhode Island.
Miller, W.L., R.A. Bourbonniere, and R.G. Zepp. 1997.
Examining the direct photochemical mineraliztion of dissolved
organic carbon in natural waters. ASLO97, Aquatic Sciences
meeting. Santa Fe, New Mexico.
Moran, M.A. 1997. Bacterial communities in coastal
seawater. Sigma Xi Scientific Research Society, Annual
Chapter Meeting. Chattanooga, Tennessee.
Moran, M.A. 1997. Detection of functional and taxonomic
attributes of individual bacterial cells in environmental
samples using in situ PCR approaches. Gordon
Research Conference on Applied and Environmental
Microbiology. Newport, Rhode Island.
Moran, M.A. 1997. Role of photoreactions in controlling
rates of biodegradation of estuarine dissolved organic
matter. Geochemical Society Special Symposium, Organic
Perspectives on Geochemical Processes. Salt Lake City, UT.
Moran, M.A., K. Bushaw, and R. G. Zepp. 1997. The biological
role of labile, nitrogen-rich photoproducts in a coastal marine
environment. ASLO97, Aquatic Sciences meeting, Santa Fe, NM.
Sheldon, J., M. Alber and A. Chalmers. 1997. Flushing times
in five Georgia Estuaries. LMER All Scientists Meeting,
Wiegert. R.G. 1997. The Georgia Rivers Land Margin Ecosystem
Research Program. Georgia Water Quality Research Conference,
Athens, GA.
Zepp, R.G. 1997. Estimation of effects of UV radiation on
aquatic photochemical processes. ASLO97, Aquatic Sciences
meeting, Santa Fe, NM.
Alber, M. and R. Hodson. 1996. Bacterial-particle dynamics
in the Satilla River Estuary. SEERS, March.
Alexander, C., M. Alber and J.O. Blanton. 1996.
Particulate material in Georgia estuaries: Composition,
concentration and transformation. ERF96/ECSA 26 Meeting,
Middelburg, The Netherlands.
Blanton, J.O. 1996. Mobilization of suspended sediments in
Coastal Plain estuaries. Universidade do Lisboa Lisboa,
Blanton, J.O. 1996. Mobilization of suspended sediments in
Coastal Plain estuaries. Universidade do Algarve Faro,
Blanton, J.O. 1996. Dynamics of mud deposition and
resuspension in a Coastal Plain estuary.
University of Aveiro Aveiro, Portugal.
Blanton, J.O. 1996. The mobilization and deposition of mud
deposits in a Coastal Plain estuary. WVU-Symposium on
Sustainable Development in Coastal Regions:
A Comparison between North Atlantic Coast and Baltic Sea.
University of Rostock, Rostock, Germany.
Blanton, J.O, A.G. Chalmers and
R.G. Wiegert. 1996. A workshop to define an LMER-style
research program that would allow a comparison of estuarine
systems in Portugal with those in Georgia. January 1966,
University of Lisbon. (As a result of this workshop a
continuing visiting scientist exchange was initiated.
Participants to date: A. Ferreira - 1995, University of Lisbon;
F. Andrade and A. Ferreira - 1996, University of Lisbon)
Dai, T., A.G. Chalmers, and R.G. Wiegert. 1996. An analysis
of the Satilla River watershed: the land-use, water discharge
and nutrient output. LMER All Scientists' Meeting, Savannah,
Elston, S. and J. Blanton. 1996. Factors affecting flood tide salt
intrusion in Georgia Estuaries. NSF-LMER All Scientists Meeting,
Savannah, GA.
González, J., and M.A. Moran. 1996. Unusual abundance
of a marine subgroup of alpha-Proteobacteria in coastal
and estuarine waters of Georgia. LMER All Scientists' Meeting,
Savannah, Georgia.
Moran, M.A., W.L. Miller, K.L. Bushaw, N. Bano, and
R.G. Zepp. 1996. Biogeochemical cycling of DOM in wetland
ecosystems: biological and photochemical degradation. North
American Benthological Society, Annual Meeting.
Kallispell, MN.
Moran, M.A. 1996. Photochemical production of biologically-available dissolved organic
matter. 1996. Gordon Research Conference on Environmental
Sciences. New Hampton, NH.
Moran, M.A., L.R. Pomeroy, M. Alber, and R.E. Hodson. 1996.
Transformations of organic matter in the Georgia Rivers
estuaries. LMER All Scientists' Meeting, Savannah, Georgia.
Sheldon, W., J. Blanton, J. Sheldon, R. Hodson, and M.A. Moran.
1996. Calibration and interpretation of natural fluorescence
data for use in DOM flux and estuarine mixing studies. LMER
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Bushaw, K.L., R.E. Hodson, R.A. Bourbonniere, D.A. Bronk,
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update: 30 November 2000