Hodson, R. E. and M. A. Moran. 1995. Comparative biodegradation kinetics of simple and complex dissolved organic carbon in aquatic ecosystems. In: R.G. Zepp and C. Sonntag (eds.); Role of Nonliving Organic Matter in the Earth's Carbon Cycle, pp. 47-64. John Wiley and Sons Ltd.
         Many aspects of the flux of dissolved organic carbon (DOC) through
    bacteria is poorly understood for both marine and freshwater environments.
    Recent experimental work suggests that chemically complex pools of DOC are
    composed of compounds with a range of biodegradability, and that some
    fractions, traditionally viewed as highly refractory, may be taken up by
    bacteria on biologically relevant time scales.  Rates and kinetic patterns
    of uptake of compounds from these complex pools are predictably diverse. 
    Bacterial uptake of simple compounds from bulk DOC is likewise kinetically
    diverse.  Experimental evidence suggests that bacteria utilize multiple
    uptake strategies which maximize potential carbon and energy flow as
    substrate concentrations vary both spatially and temporally.