Otero, Ernesto
Ph.D. Student, Microbiology,

GARLMER Research:
Studies of the utilization of naturally
occuring substrates by the bacterial communities in Altamaha and
Satilla river estuaries. My studies are based on stable isotope
analyses of bacterial DNA and particulate and dissolved organic
constituents of estuarine water. Analyses conducted are those
of chlorophyll, dissolved organic carbon, total organic carbon
and humic matter concentration in relation to their stable
isotope signatures and characterization of terrestrially derived
material based on profiles of lignin oxidation products and
their delta 13C.
Research Interests: Sulfate reduction in tropical coastal and reef
environments; remote sensing of suspended particulate matter and
chlorophyllous pigments in coastal tropical waters; trace element composition
of mangrove dominated areas; marine pollution monitoring.
Selected Publications:
Corredor, J.E., J. Morell,
F. Nieves and E. Otero. 1985. Studies on eutrophication of the marine
ecosystem of La Parguera, Puerto Rico. In Mem. Undecimo Simp. Rec. Nat.
Departamento de Recursos Naturales, San Juan Puerto Rico.
Otero, E., F. Nieves and J.E. Corredor.
1987. Patterns of tar ball accumulation on a Lunate Coral Key at La
Parguera, Puerto Rico. Caribbean Journal of Science 23(1):123-129.
Corredor, J.E., C.R. Wilkinson, V.P.
Vicente, J. Morell and E. Otero. 1988. Nitrate release by Caribbean reef
sponges. Limnol. Oceanogr. 33(1):114-120.
Otero, E., R.L. Miller and J.M. Lopez.
1992. Remote sensing of chlorophyll and sediments in coastal waters of
Puerto Rico. Proceedings of the First Thematic Conference on Remote Sensing
for Marine and Coastal Environments, Louisiana, USA. Vol. 1:353-364.
Miller, R.L., J.F. Cruise, E. Otero and
J.M. Lopez. 1994. The water quality of Mayaguez Bay, Puerto Rico:
Monitoring suspended particulate matter using field measurements and remote
sensing. Water Resources Bulletin. 30(2):271-282.
Bachood, D., E. Otero and R.E. Hodson.
1996. Extraction of high quality bacterial DNA from auqatic environments.
Abstracts of the 96th General Meeting of the American Society for
Microbiology. May, 1996, New Orleans, LA.