Chalmers, Alice G.
Research Coordinator II -
University of Georgia Marine Institute
Ph.D. 1977, University of
Research Focus:
GIS, data management,
watershed land cover/land use, modeling export of materials from
watershed to estuary/nearshore
Research Interests:
Detection of change in
coastal ecosystems using remote sensing and GIS to map land cover/land
use, vegetation patterns and shorelines, nutrient and organic matter
accumulation/turnover/export in coastal wetland ecosystems.
Chalmers, A. G. 1982. Soil dynamics and the productivity of Spartina
alterniflora. pp. 231-242. In: V. S. Kennedy (ed.), Estuarine
Comparisons, Academic Press, New York.
King, G. M., M. J. Klug, R. G. Wiegert and A. G. Chalmers. 1982. Relation
of soil water movement and sulfide concentrations to Spartina alterniflora
production in a Georgia salt marsh. Science 218:61-63.
Wiegert, R. G., A. G. Chalmers and P. F. Randerson. 1983. Productivity
gradients in salt marshes: the response of Spartina alterniflora to
experimentally manipulated soil water movement. Oikos 41:1-6.
Chalmers, A. G., R. G. Wiegert and P. L. Wolf. 1985. Carbon balance in a
salt marsh: interactions of diffusive export, tidal deposition and
rainfall-caused erosion. Est. Coast. Shelf Sci. 21:757-771.
Chalmers, A. G. 1988. Experimental manipulations of drainage in a Georgia
saltmarsh: Lessons learned. Oceans 88:1652-1655