Bronk, Deborah A.
Assistant Professor - Marine
Ph.D., 1992, Marine
Estuarine and Environmental Sciences, University of Maryland
/ NSF Research Focus:
To contrast the dissolved
organic nitrogen pool in the Georgia Rivers with the pool in Chesapeake
Bay. To determine the importance of organic nitrogen as a source of
nitrogen to primary and secondary producers in the Georgia Rivers and
Chesapeake Bay.
/ SEA GRANT Research Focus:
To determine the relative
contribution of inorganic and organic nitrogen to primary and secondary
production in the Georgia Rivers and the near coastal zone.
Bronk, D.A., P.M.
Gilbert, T.C. Malone, E. Sahlsten and S. Banahan. 1997. Inorganic and
organic nitrogen cycling in Chesapeake Bay: Autotrophic vrsus
heterotrophic processes and relationships to carbon flux. (Submitted)
Bushaw, K. L., R. G.
Zepp, M. A. Tarr, D. Schulz-Jander, R. A. Bourbonniere, R. E. Hodson,
W. L. Miller, D. A. Bronk, and M. A. Moran. 1996. Photochemical release
of biologically available nitrogen from aquatic dissolved organic
matter. Nature 381:404-407.
Bronk, D.A., P.M. Gilbert
and B.B. Ward. 1994. Nitrogen uptake, dissolved organic nitrogen
release, and new production. Science 265:1843-1846.
Bronk, D.A. and P.M.
Gilbert. 1994. The fate of the missing 15N differs among marine
systems. Limnol. Oceanogr. 39;189-194.
Bronk, D.A. and P.M.
Gilbert. 1993. Contrasting patterns of dissolved organic nitrogen
release by two size fractions of estuarine plankton during a period of
rapid NH4+ consumption and NO2- production. Mar. Ecol. Prog. Ser.
Bronk, D.A. and P.M.
Gilbert. 1993. Application of a 15N tracer method to the study of
dissolved organic nitrogen uptake during spring and summer in
Chesapeake Bay. Mar. Biol. 115:501-508.
Bronk, D.A. and P.M.
Gilbert. 1991. A 15N tracer method for the measurement of dissolved
organic nitrogen release by phytoplankton. Mar. Ecol. Prog. Ser.