Blanton, Jackson O.
Professor - Physical
Oceanography - Skidaway Institute of Oceanography
Ph.D., 1968, Physical
Oceanography, Oregon State

Coastal circulation and
dispersion, continental shelf dynamics with a focus on the physical
oceanography of estuarine and shallow coastal waters and exchange
processes between oceans and estuaries and the effect of these
processes on larval transport.
Blanton, J.O., C.A.
Alexander, Merryl Alber and Gail Kineke. 1997. The mobilization and
deposition of mud deposits in a coastal plain estuary.
Hydrobiologia, In press.
Blanton, J. O., J. Amft
and T. Tisue. 1997. Response of a small-scale bottom-attached estuarine
plume to wind and tidal dissipation. J. Coastal Res. 13: 349-362.
Blanton, J. 1996.
Reinforcement of gravitational circulation by wind. In: Buoyancy
Effects on Coastal and Estuarine Dynamics, Coastal and Estuarine
Studies Volume 53, D.G. Aubrey and C.T. Friedrichs (Eds), p. 47-58.
American Geophysical Union. Washington, DC.
Kapolnai, A., F. E.
Werner, J. O. Blanton. 1996. Circulation, mixing and exchange processes
in the vicinity of tidal inlets: a numerical study. J. Geophys. Res.
101: 14,253-14,268.
Blanton, J., E. Wenner,
F. Werner, and D. Knott. 1995N. Effects of wind-generated coastal
currents on the transport of blue crab megalopae on a shallow
continental shelf. Bull. Mar. Sci., 57(3): 739-752.
Blanton, J.O., F. Werner,
C. Kim, L. Atkinson, T. Lee and D. Savidge. 1994N. Transport and fate
of low-density water in a coastal frontal zone. Cont. Shelf Res. 14: