Alexander, Clark R.
Assistant Professor Skidaway
Institute of Oceanography
Ph.D., North Carolina State
Rates and processes of
sediment accumulation and strata formation in estuarine, coastal,
shelf, and slope environments; history of anthropogenic impacts on the
coastal zone; fine-grained sediment dynamics.
Alexander, C. and H.
Windom. 1997. Assessing anthropogenic contamination in the Anadyr River
Basin, Chukotka Peninsula, Russia. Marine Pollution Bulletin (In
Syvitski, J., C.
Alexander, M. Field, J. Gardner, D. Orange and J. Yun. 1996.
Continental slope sedimentation: The view from northern California.
Oceanography 9(3):163-167.
Alexander, C., R. Smith,
S. Schropp, F. Calder and H. Windom. 1993. The historical record of
metal enrichment in two Florida estuaries. Estuaries 16:627-637.
Alexander, C., C.A.
Nittrouer and D.J. DeMaster. 1991. Sediment accumulation in a modern
epicontinental-shelf setting: The Yellow Sea. Marine Geology 98:51-72.
Alexander, C.,
C.A.Nittrouer, D.J. DeMaster, Y.A. Park and S.C. Park. 1991. Macrotidal
mudflats of the southwestern Korean coast: A model for the
interpretation of intertidal deposits. Journal of Sedimentary Petrology