1. File Name: 96LPDOXY.SMa 2. Year: 1996 3. PI: L. R. Pomeroy 4. Others: None 5. Description: Dissolved oxygen in near-surface water of St Marys River for Survey cruise 3, July, 1996 6. Keywords: oxygen 7. Research Location: latitude-longitude 8. Methods: Precision Winklers of replicate samples taken from Niskin samplers aboard R/V Blue Fin. See Pomeroy et al. 1994. Appl. Environ. Microbiol. 60: 328-332 for detailed methods. 9. Notes: See also the data file 96LPRESP.SL for respiratory rates. 10. Variable Description Precision/units coded D/D depth/km frm mouth 1 m/1 km no date date DMY hour 24 h eastern std h-min no PSU Salinity 0.01 o/oo no temp temperature 0.01 degree C no Doxy dissolved oxygen 0.01 uM no %sat per cent saturation 1% no 11. calculations: see 8. Dissolved oxygen given as micromoles oxygen per liter. 12. For more information, contact L. R. Pomeroy Institute of Ecology University of Georgia Athens GA 30602-2202 lpomeroy@ecology.uga.edu 706-542-3415/2968 14. Other data files to reference: 96LPRESP.dat 15. Reference citations: Pomeroy et al. 1994. Appl. Environ. Microbiol. 60: 328-332 16. Format of variables 96LPDOXY.SMa Column Name Type width decimals 1 D/D numeric 4 0 2 date numeric 6 0 3 time numeric 4 0 4 PSU numeric 5 2 5 temp numeric 5 2 6 doxy numeric 6 2 7. 1SE numeric 4 2 8. %sat numeric 3 0 17. number of records: 5 18. Status: 2 19. For archival use: Date received: Data file entered by Data file validation: LRP By: LRP date: 3-11-97 Log of changes and comments